The ‘Assessment Spine’ of Big Maths!

CLIC Challenge Logo
Learn Its Logo including Times Tables
SAFE Challenge Logo

Beat That! CLIC challenges focus on Basic Skills, building from single digit addition through to more complex calculations.

The Learn Its section of CLIC focuses on learning and recalling number facts (times tables and number bonds).

Beat That! SAFE challenges cover Wider Maths (the rest of the maths curriculum). A child’s CLIC level suggests the introduction point for Wider Maths content.

CLIC includes:

Learn Its includes:

SAFE includes:

  • Counting
  • Learn Its
  • It’s Nothing New!
  • Calculation
  • Times tables
  • Basic calculations
  • Number bonds.
  • Shape
  • Amounts
  • Fractions
  • Explaining Data
To learn more about how Big Maths works…

Dynamic Formative Assessment

Every question in the 3 challenges of ‘Big Maths Beat That!’ is linked to a specific step of learning from the Big Maths framework. Every answer allows you to identify Learning Gaps immediately so you know where you need to provide support.

Big Maths Online

Typically, children will stay on a challenge for 8 to 12 weeks (1 term), improving their score each week as you teach them new skills. Although children will normally only score 3 or 4 after ‘moving up’ to a new challenge, the beauty of Big Maths is that they understand this! Over the next 6 to 8 weeks, they trust that you will teach them the skills to improve their score each week until they move up again. We strongly recommend class celebrations every week for each child who:

We strongly recommend class celebrations every week for each child who:

  • Beats their best ever score
  • Gets full marks on a challenge
  • Moves Up to a new challenge
Celebrate on Twitter

You can print personalised certificates for each of these achievements, which we love to see shared using the #BigMaths hashtag on Twitter. Our Director, @AndrellCurtis tries to respond (with a certificate from us) to every tweet he finds each week (but sometimes he can be a bit late).

Fun, Engaging, and Empowering
Assessment for Learning.

Marking is finished!

It’s the 21st Century!

Our Beat That! Challenges can be completed online taking away the need to mark. Scores are automatically saved into the system so teachers can easily access their results. The Learn Its Challenge page has been designed to ensure children can answer the question as quickly as possible. With Learn Its… FASTER IS BETTER!

Challenges on iPad and iMac

For schools that aren’t technically able yet, we have you covered! You can print the challenges and input pupil scores quickly and easily.

Laptop Tracking Image

Track Attainment and Progress

Our Tracking area allows you to see Progress, Attainment, and much more for classes, groups, or individual pupils!  If children complete the challenges online you get all this insight with zero workload!

Termly Progression

A Comprehensive Approach to Times Tables

Big Maths introduces children to times tables gradually and in line with your primary maths curriculum. A new set of Learn Its are shared between teachers, parents and children at the start of every term so that they can be learnt and embedded by the end of it. It starts with 1 + 1 and 2 + 2 and ends with an ultimate challenge of all the number facts they have learnt at the age of 10.

Times Tables and Number Facts

Learn Its Number Facts

Includes Every Times Table Fact!

Times tables bubbles

Simplicity lies at the heart of everything we do in Big Maths. So, when we started to think about how we could ensure every child knew their times tables by the age of ten, we knew we had to think outside the box.

Big Maths takes the 144 multiplication tables facts and reduces them to just 36. You can do this because the Big Maths learning steps lay the foundation needed for children to recognise that 2 x 7 is the same as 7 x 2; It’s Nothing New. We also include 36 addition facts going up to 9 + 9.

This approach to learning times tables, and other number facts, gives teachers the confidence that every times table fact will be acquired by the age of ten and that a child has everything they need to apply these times table facts to other areas of maths.

For more information about Learn Its…
Happy chappy

Signing Up to Big Maths is simple…

Big Maths is the way forward when it comes to teaching mathematics in your school. Contact us now to arrange a call to discuss how to move forward with the best implementation for you.